
Here’s what we’re working on
Get a sneak peek of new features that we’re working on and the ones you’ll be seeing next. Got an idea? We’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions! Let us know by contacting us.

Last updated on June 26, 2024

2024 Q4

2024 Q3

2024 Q2

2024 Q1

2023 Q4

2023 Q3

2023 Q2

2023 Q1

2022 Q4

2022 Q3

2022 Q1

2021 Q4

  • released
    Dedicated IPs

    Improve your deliverability with a dedicated IP, only available on demand for large volume accounts. Contact us to determine if a Dedicated IP is the right fit for your business!

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  • released
    Zapier integration V2

    You can now send your email to CC and BCC recipients, add advanced personalized values and act on a spam report trigger!

  • released
    Inbound route endpoint

    Manage your inbound routes with this new endpoint: get a list of existing inbound routes, create a new one, update it or delete it.

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  • released
    SMTP plugin for WordPress

    WordPress hosting companies are not optimized for high-volume email sending, which may result in some of your emails not getting delivered.

    MailerSend’s dedicated SMTP server will ensure that your forms, account notifications, e-commerce orders, and other transactional emails get delivered.

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  • released
    Bulk sending endpoint

    The send bulk emails endpoint enables you to send multiple asynchronous emails. It returns the status of the request sent with a bulk_email_id that can be used to continuously query for the status using the email API.

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2021 Q3

2021 Q2

  • released
    Inbound emails

    Inbound email routing enables you to send and receive emails directly in your application. Learn how MailerSend helps you manage two-way conversations with customers by receiving incoming emails, parsing their contents, and then routing them to your app or another email.

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  • released
    Mailster integration

    Use MailerSend with your Mailster newsletter plugin for an increase in deliverability!

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  • released
    Rich-text email builder

    The new rich-text editor is for you if you want to jump straight into designing an email template using the most essential styling features and content blocks. Learn how an inline editor helps you focus on the design while giving you a preview of what recipients will see!

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  • released
    Pabbly integration

    Connect MailerSend with any app on Pabbly!

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2021 Q1

2020 Q4

  • released
    WHMCS integration

    Our first ever integration, created by WHMCS services.

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  • released

    Get real-time notifications about events so your integration can automatically trigger reactions. Simply set up endpoint URLs and select the events to track!

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  • released
    Product Hunt launch

    Hi. Ignas here, Founder of The Remote Company, a team of creators from around the world working remotely to build outstanding online products including MailerLite, MailerCheck and YCode.

    After years of sending huge volumes of emails, we realized that the process of creating and sending transactional emails was inefficient. Too often design changes required coding and maintenance from devs.

    So we built something new that suited our needs—a team-friendly transactional email system that allowed non-tech teams to contribute without the need for code.

    The result: MailerSend! A completely new kind of transactional email tool. We focus on:

    1. Scalability
      Flexible infrastructure so you can send a few emails or scale quickly to a few million.

    2. Smarter workflows
      Devs set it up and marketing/design teams create emails independently without code.

    3. Deliverability
      A dedicated team continuously removes hurdles to ensure emails reach the inbox.

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