
Mailster integration with MailerSend

Worry-free email sending so you can focus on creating newsletters that generate leads

Free to download. A Mailster license for 1 website is $89. You can read more about their pricing here.

Last Updated


Integration Support

Visit their knowledge base, their members’ area, or hire an expert on their support page.

Additional details

Mailster is a WordPress plugin that creates newsletters, manages campaigns, and tracks their results.

The Mailster integration with MailerSend uses our email API to ensure that every newsletter gets delivered to subscribers.

Mailster mailersend plugin screenshot

How to use it

  • Install and activate the Mailster MailerSend Integration plugin.

  • Go to Settings > Newsletter > Delivery and select the MailerSend tab.

  • Enter your MailerSend API key.

  • Save and send a test mail!